In temples, one must have surely observed bell at the entrance of the temple and in special places. The bell is also an important part of the temple. But do you know what is the religious and scientific importance of putting and ringing the bell? Ever wondered why this is done for what reason and why do we play it?
The temple bell is not just ordinary metal but a scientific bell. It is made of various metals including cadmium, copper, nickel, chromium and Manganese. In which ratio each metal is mixed, this is the most important thing and the real science behind a bell. Every bell is created to produce such a distinctive sound that it synchronizes your left and right brain. When the person rings the bell, then the high sound produced from it lasts for at least seven consecutive seconds, touching the seven chakras of the human body.
It is believed that when you ring the bell, then your mind becomes empty from thoughts. And you enter in the state where you are more receptive and aware. Even it is considered that this is the only way to awaken your mind and thoughts, before you enter the temple. It is also believed that when the bell is played then there is a vibration in the atmosphere, which goes far enough due to the atmosphere. The advantage of this vibration is that all the bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms that are coming in its area are destroyed so that the surrounding environment becomes purified. Therefore, the atmosphere where the bell is rung, the environment always remains pure and sacred. It removes negative forces and opens doors to prosperity.
Even while performing rituals like Aarti, we ring the bell and the auspicious sound of the conch and other musical instruments are also played along with it. It has special significance too, that it removes the attention of the human from any other sounds.

Source: Internet
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