These two mantras are very powerful and can be recite in the morning as soon as awake.
Before opening the eyes you have to pass the palms of the hands on the face, then hold them togheter. Opening the eyes, you’ll recite the mantra of the awakening looking only at the palms. Then for seven times you’ll recite the mantra passing the hands on the whole body. At the end you’ll recite the Ganesh mantra.
त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव ।त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव ।त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणम् त्वमेव ।त्वमेव सर्वम् मम देव देवः ॥त्रहि माँ त्रहि माँ त्रहि माँ | tvameva mātā ca pitā tvameva ।tvameva bandhuśca sakhā tvameva ।tvameva vidyā draviṇam tvameva ।tvameva sarvam mama deva devaḥ ॥trahi māṁ trahi māṁ trahi māṁ |
(Addressed to the Guru)
You are my mother and you are my father.
You are my relative and you are my friend.
You are my knowledge and you are my wealth.
You are my all, my God of Gods.
Protect me, protect me, protect me.
Shiva Mantra
कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारम् भुजगेन्द्रहारम् ।
सदावसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे भवं भवानीसहितं नमामि ॥
karpūragauraṃ karuṇāvatāraṃ saṃsārasāram bhujagendrahāram ।
sadāvasantaṃ hṛdayāravinde bhavaṃ bhavānīsahitaṃ namāmi ॥
White as camphor, the avatar of Karuna (god of Compassion), adorned with the garland of the Serpent King, ever dwelling in the lotus of my heart, to the Lord and Lady, Shiva and Shakti together, to them I bow down.
SHANTI MANTRA (Peace Mantras)
we are everything, we are together
ॐ सहना भवतु सहनौ भुनक् तुसहवीर्यम् करवावहै तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विष्आवहै ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः | सर्वेषां स्वस्ति भवतु ।सर्वेषां शान्तिर्भवतु । सर्वेषां पूर्नं भवतु ।सर्वेषां मड्गलं भवतु ॥ |
oṁ sahanā bhavatu sahanau bhunaktu sahavīryam karavāvahai tejasvi nāvadhītamastu mā vidviṣāvahai oṁ śānti śānti śāntiḥ | Oṁ sarveṣāṃ svasti bhavatu sarveṣāṃ śāntir bhavatu sarveṣāṃ pūrnaṃ bhavatu sarveṣāṃ mangalaṃ bhavatu |
Om! May the Absolute Reality protect us.Let the studies that we together undertake be effulgent.Let there be no animosity amongst us. Om. Peace, Peace, Peace. | Om, may auspiciousness be unto all may peace be unto all may fullness be unto all may prosperity be unto all |
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः।सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥ | असतोमा सद्गमय ।तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमय ।मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ॥ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः ॥ |
sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ sarve santu nirāmayāḥ sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā kaścit duḥkha bhāgbhavet | asato mā sad gamaya tamaso mā jyotir gamaya mṛtyor mā amṛtaṁ gamaya oṁ śānti śānti śāntiḥ |
May all be happy May all be free from disabilities May all look to the good of other May none suffer from sorrow | From ignorance, lead me to truth From darkness, lead me to light From death, lead me to immortality Om peace, peace, peace |
Mantra form Isopanishad
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णश्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते
Om pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrṇātpurṇamudacyate
pūrṇaśya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate
That is the Whole, this is the Whole;
from that Whole, this Whole is manifested.
When this Whole is extracted,
that Whole remains being the Whole.
Invoking Sacred Rivers in the water pot
गङ्गे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि सरस्वती ।
नर्मदा सिन्धु कावेरी जलेऽस्मिन् संनिधिं कुरु ॥
gaṅge ca yamune caiva godāvari sarasvatī |
narmadā sindhu kāverī jale’smin saṃnidhiṃ kuru ||
O Holy Rivers Ganga and Yamuna, and Godavari, Sarasvati,
Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri; Please be present in this water.
Durga Mantras

सर्व मंगल मांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके ।
शरन्ये त्रयम्बिके गौरी नारायणी नमोस्तुते ।।
sarva maṃgala māṃgalye śive sarvārtha sādhike ।
śaranye trayambike gaurī nārāyaṇī namostute ।।
Oh Narayani, Oh Shivi, Oh Gauri you fulfil the desires of all. I offer my obeisances to You.

शरणागत दीनार्तपरित्राण परायणे ।
सर्वस्यातिहरे देवि नारायणी नमोस्तुते ।।
śaraṇāgata dīnārtaparitrāṇa parāyaṇe ।
sarvasyātihare devi nārāyaṇī namostute ।।
You who are perpetually endeavouring to protect the weak and the poor and remove their misery. Oh Narayani, I offer my obeisances to You.

सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वेशक्तिसमन्विते ।
भयेभ्यस्त्राहि नो देवि दुर्गे देवि नमोऽस्तु ते ।।
sarvasvarūpe sarveśe sarveśaktisamanvite ।
bhayebhyastrāhi no devi durge devi namo ̕stu te ।।
Oh Goddess Durga, please protect us from all kinds of fear. Oh omnipotent Durga, I offer my obeisances to you.

रोगनशेषानपहंसि तुष्टा। रुष्टा तु कामान् सकलानभीष्टान् ।
त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां। त्वमाश्रिता हृयश्रयतां प्रयान्ति ।।
roganaśeṣānapahaṃsi tuṣṭā। ruṣṭā tu kāmān sakalānabhīṣṭān ।
tvāmāśritānāṃ na vipannarāṇāṃ। tvamāśritā hṛyaśrayatāṃ prayānti ।।
Oh Goddess, when you are pleased you remove all ailments and when you are angry you destroy everything that a person desires for. However, those who come to you for sanctuary never have to confront any catastrophy. Instead, such people secure enough merit to provide shelter to others.

सर्वाबाधा प्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि ।
एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्दैरिविनाशनम् ।।
सर्वाबाधा विर्निर्मुक्तो धनधान्यसुतान्वित: ।
मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशय: ।।
sarvābādhā praśamanaṃ trailokyasyākhileśvari ।
evameva tvayā kāryamasmaddairivināśanam ।।
sarvābādhā virnirmukto dhanadhānyasutānvit: ।
manuṣyo matprasādena bhaviṣyati na saṃśay: ।।
Whoever listens to the story of the Goddess succeeds in overcoming all obstacles and is blessed wealth and progeny.

जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी ।
दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
jayantī maṅgalā kālī bhadrakālī kapālinī ।
durgā kṣamā śivā dhātrī svāhā svadhā namo ̕stu te ॥
Oh Goddess, you who are known by the names of Mangala, Kali, Bhadrakali, Kapalini, Durga, Kshama, Shiva, Dhatri, Svaha, Swadha, I offer my obeisances to You.

देहि सौभाग्यमारोग्यं देहि देवि परं सुखम् ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥
dehi saubhāgyamārogyaṃ dehi devi paraṃ sukham ।
rūpaṃ dehi jayaṃ dehi yaśo dehi dviṣo jahi ॥
Oh Goddess, bless me with good fortune, good health, good looks, success and fame. Oh Vaishnavi, you are the very basis for the world. You have mesmerised the World. When you are pleased with some one you ensure his salvation from the cycle of life and death.

Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram – (by Shri Adi Shankaracharya)
Aapatsu Magnah Smaranam Tvadeeyam Karomi Durge Karunarna Veshi I
Naitaccha Thatvam Mum Methah Kshudhartrisharta Jananim Smaranti II
O Compassionate Goddess Durga! If I remember you after falling in trouble and not before, please do not treat me like a dishonest rogue for the reason that all children yell for mother when they are troubled.

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः
गुरुर्साक्षत् परंब्रह्मा तस्मय् अघोर कुल गुरवे नमः ॥
gururbrahmā gururviṣṇu gururdevo maheśvaraḥ |
gurursākṣat paraṃbrahmā tasmay aghora kula gurave namaḥ ||
The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is Maheswara (Shiva).
The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Aghora Kula Guru.