After airing fatal arrow on the battlefield of Lanka, Lord Rama told his brother Lakshman: Go to Ravana quickly before he dies and request him to share whatever knowledge he can.
A brute he may be, but he is also a great scholar!
The obedient Lakshmana rushed across the battlefield to Ravana side and wispread in his ears:
Oh demon king, do not let your knowledge die with you.Share it with us and wash away your sins!
Ravana responded by simply turning away his head. An angry Lakshman went back to Lord Rama and said:
He is arrogant as he always was, too proud to share anything!
Rama conformed his brother and asked him softly: Where did you seat while asking Ravana for knowledge?
Next to his head so that I hear what he had to say clearly! – spoke Lakshman.
Lord Rama smiled, placed his bow on the ground ans walked to where Ravana lay.
Lakshmana watched in astonishment as his divine brother knelt at Ravana’s feet.
With palms joined with extreme humility, Lord Rama said:
Lord of Lanka, you abducted my wife, a terrible crime for which i have been forced to punish you. Now, you are no more my enemy. I bow to you and request you to share your wisdom with me. Please do that, for if you die without doing so, all your wisdom will be lost forever to the world.
To Lakshmana surprise Ravana opened his eyes and raised his arms to salute Lord Rama:
If only i had more time as your teacher then as your enemy.
Standing at my feet as a student should, unlike your rude younger brother, you are worthy recipient of my knowledge.
I have very little time so I cannot share much but let me tell you important lessons i have learned in my life.
1) Things that are bad for you seduce you easily; you run towards them impatiently. So you must defer the bad action as much as you can and avoid them.
2. Things that are actually good for you, fail to attract you; you shun them creatively, finding powerful excuses to justify your procrastination. So you must do good action without any delay and as much early as you can.
This is why i was impatient to abduct Sita but avoided meeting you.
This is wisdom of my life, Lord Rama. My last words. I give it to you! said Ravana and died.
!!! Jai Shri Ram !!!
Source: Instagram: #the_shivshakti