Sadhana means spiritual path, that is the set of all the practices, rituals and austerities that are performed with regularity and concentration, with the aim of obtaining Moksha (liberation). It is an act of purification and expansion of the mind, which leads to the state of Self-Realization.
In the tantra it is stated that Shiva , in his infinite grace, full of compassion for suffering beings in this dark age, proclaimed tantric sadhana by means of spiritual emancipation. Tantrism is not a simple theory or philosophy, but above all it prescribes a systematic sadhana , a regular discipline, according to the practitioner’s temperament, ability and evolutionary degree. A terrific opportunity to experiment with extraordinary techniques for spiritual evolution, introducing yourself to the world of yantra, mantra and tantra .
Yantra , mantra and tantra symbolically represent the three paths of Hinduism. The yantra is the path of knowledge (Jñanamarg), themantra is the path of devotion (Bhaktimarg), theTantra is the path of action (Karmasanyasmarg).
Main types of Sadhana
- Repetition of the Name
- Namasmarana / Japa Mala (repetition of formulas or mantras)
- Bhajan
- Dialogue
- Satsang
- Prayer
- Abstention / austerity
- Silence (abstention from speech)
- Fasting (whole wheat, or limited to certain types of food)
- Chastity
- Asceticism (renunciation of worldly life)
- Study of sacred texts
- Seva (selfless service)
- Worship
- Puja
- Yajña (ritual sacrifices)
- Ablutions
- Contemplation
- Dhyana (meditation)
- Contemplation of one or more Murti