
I never sat on a sofa with my father & after my marriage, I had already left him…….
“Many years ago, after I got married I was sitting on a couch on a hot, humid day, sipping frozen juice during a visit to my father.

As I talked about adult life, marriage, responsibilities, and obligations, my father thoughtfully stirred the ice cubes in his glass and cast a clear, sober look at me.

“Never forget your friends,” he advised, “they will become more important as you get older.”

“Regardless of how much you love your family and the children you happen to have, you will always need friends.

Remember to go out with them occasionally, do activities with them, call them …”

“What strange advice!” I thought. “I just entered the married world, I am an adult and surely my wife and the family that we will start will be everything I need to make sense of my life.”

Yet I obeyed him; kept in touch with my friends and annually increased their number. Over the years, I became aware that my father knew what he was talking about!

In as much as time and nature carry out their designs and mysteries on a man, friends are the bulwarks of his life.

After 50 years of life, here is what I learned:

Time passes.
Life goes on.
The distances increase
Children grow up & and become independent and although it breaks the parents’ heart but they are often separated from them.

Jobs come and go.

Illusions, desires, attractions, sex … weaken.

People do what they should not do.

The parents die.

Colleagues forget the favors.

The races are over.

But, true friends are always there, no matter how long or how many miles they are.

A friend is never more distant than the reach of a need, reaching out to you intervening in your favor, waiting for you with open arms or with blessings for your life.

When we started this adventure called LIFE, we did not know of the incredible joys or sorrows that were ahead.

We did not know how much we would need from one another.
Love your parents, take care of your children, but keep a group of good friends

Dedicated to all Friends.

Author : Unknown

Source: Online Magazine

25 Principles of Adult Behavior

Be patient, No matter what. Don’t badmouth: Assign responsibility, never blame. Say nothing behind another’s back you’d be unwilling to say, in exactly the same tone and language, to his face. Never assume the motives of others are, to them, less noble than yours are to you. Expand your sense of the possible. Don’t trouble yourself with matters you truly cannot change. Expect no more of anyone than you yourself can deliver. Tolerate ambiguity. Laugh at yourself frequently. Concern yourself with what is right rather than who is right. Never forget that, no matter how certain, you might be wrong. Give up blood sports. Remember that your life belongs to others as well. Do not endanger it frivolously. And never endanger the life of another. Never lie to anyone for any reason. (Lies of omission are sometimes exempt.) Learn the needs of those around you and respect them. Avoid the pursuit of happiness. Seek to define your mission and pursue that. Reduce your use of the first personal pronoun. Praise at least as often as you disparage. Never let your errors pass without admission. Become less suspicious of joy. Understand humility. Forgive. Foster dignity. Live memorably. Love yourself. Endure.

–  By John Perry Barlow , 1977


When I look back over the last 25 years, in some ways what seems most precious is not what we have made but how we have made it and what we have learned as a consequence of that. I always think that there are two products at the end of a programme; there is the physical product or the service, the thing that you have managed to make, and then there is all that you have learned. The power of what you have learned enables you to do the next thing and it enables you to do the next thing better. — Jony Ive

From the Wallpaper article on the new Apple campus.



Devi Mahatmya (Ch5 – Verse 16-19)

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु चेतनेत्यभिधीयते।
नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥१९॥

Ya devi sarva bhootheshu chethanethyabhi dhiyathe,

Namasthasyai namasthasyai namasthasyai namo nama.

Repeated Salutations to her, the Devi who abides in the form of consciousness in all beings.


Chetana iti abhidhiyate:

The one who is named consciousness. Chetana is derived from the root chit, which means thought, perception, intellect, intelligence, heart, the soul or Brahman. Sat Chit Ananda are the three inherent qualities of divinity. Sat is eternity or immortality. Chit is consciousness and Ananda is bliss. Since divinity (the Divine Mother) is ominipresent, so is consciousness.


According to some, Chetana is the quality of inner instruments (antahkarana): the mind, intellect, ego, and memory. In reality, consciousness is the power of God that enables every instrument to be conscious. It is the power of Divine Mother.


In the gross body, it is known as viswa (universe), in the astral body, taijasa (brilliance), and in the casual body, prajna (wisdom). In the muladhara chakra, it is viswa, in the svadhisthana chakra, virat (glory all around),in the manipura chakra, taijasa, in the anahata chakra, hiranyagarva (golden womb), in the visudha chakra, Iswara (the Lord), and in the ajna chakra, it is known as abhasa chaitanya (apparent conscious)


O Divine Mother! you are the consciousness in in all living beings. Your presence keeps us alive, active, and aware of our existence; you make us conscious of what is going on inside and outside. Consciousness is our nature. You make consciousness burn in all life. We bow to you as consciousness in all beings as well as within ourselves.


-By  Yoga Acharya Sri Yogananda (Sri Rabindra Suttar)



The Devi Mahatmya or Devi Mahatmyam (Sanskritdevīmāhātmyamदेवीमाहात्म्यम्), or “Glory of the Goddess“) is a Hindu religious text describing the Goddess as the supreme power and creator of the universe. It is part of the Markandeya Purana, and estimated to have been composed in Sanskrit between 400-600 CE tradition within Hinduism.

The Devi Mahatmyam describes a storied battle between good and evil, where the Devi manifesting as goddess Durga leads the forces of good against the demon Mahishasura—the goddess is very angry and ruthless, and the forces of good win. In peaceful prosperous times, states the text, the Devi manifests as Lakshmi, empowering wealth creation and happiness. The verses of this story also outline a philosophical foundation wherein the ultimate reality (Brahman in Hinduism) is female. The text is one of the earliest extant complete manuscripts from the Hindu traditions which describes reverence and worship of the feminine aspect of God. The Devi Mahatmya is often ranked in some Hindu traditions to be as important as the Bhagavad Gita.


Who is this Goddess?

I resemble in form Brahman,
from me emanates the world,
which has the Spirit of Prakriti and Purusha,
I am empty and not empty,
I am delight and non-delight,
I am knowledge and ignorance,
I am Brahman and not Brahman.

Devi Mahatmya



Yogic Diet


Yogic diet is a balanced, vegetarian diet that fulfills all the nutritional needs for mind-body balance. Eating the right food, in the right quantity, with the right attitude and at the right time are the tenets of a yogic diet. The ancient yogis classified food into Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic based on the three gunas or attributes present in every individual. viz., Sattva (purity), Rajas (activity), Tamas (inertia). These gunas exist in different degrees in every individual and change from time to time.

Sattvic diet is freshly cooked, clean vegetarian food, organic, that is grown in harmony with
nature and is cooked with love. Seekers of wisdom take this diet.

Bhagavad gita (17 : 8) describes Sattvic food as “promoting life, virtue, strength, health,
happiness and satisfaction.”

Sattvic foods are balanced combination of whole grains, legumes, pulses, fresh fruits and
vegetables, except onions, garlic and mushrooms. They include dry fruits, milk and milk products, natural sugars like jaggery and honey. Spices include coriander, cumin, fennel, fenugreek, black pepper, sesame, carom seeds, pomegranate seeds, ginger, holy basil, mint, cardamom, cinnamon and turmeric. Plant based oils include sesame, sunflower, olive and coconut.

Rajasic diet is over stimulating and destroy the mind-body balance. These foods cause restlessness to the mind, arouse negative emotions and lead to circulatory and nervous disorders. Sattvic foods when eaten in a hurry or with a negative attitude become Rajasic.

Bhagavat gita (17: 9) describes Rajasic food as “excessively hot, spicy, bitter, salty, pungent,
burning the tongue.”

Rajasic foods are stimulants such as coffee, tea, colas, chocolates, tobacco, onion and garlic.
They include hot-spicy, sour, fried, refined food and food with added salt and chillies.

Tamasic diet causes heaviness, dullness, lethargy and destroy body’s ability to withstand stress,
lower the resistance to disease. They do not have ‘prana’ for mind-body balance. Sattvic food when burnt, or over-eaten or reheated several times becomes Tamasic. Honey when cooked, becomes tamasic. Overripe and rotten fruits are tamasic.

Bhagavat gita (17:10) describes Tamasic food as “stale, rotten, tasteless, impure, unripe and

Tamasic foods are meat, fish, chicken, eggs, mushrooms, onion, garlic, vinegar, drugs, alcohol
old, stale, burnt and overcooked food.


Slow Dance


Slow Dance


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?


Or listened to rain

Slapping on the ground?


Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight,

Or gazed at the sun fading into the night?


You better slow down.

Don’t dance so fast.


Time is short.

The music won’t last.


Do you run through each day

On the fly?


When you ask: “How are you?”,

Do you hear the reply?


When the day is done,

Do you lie in your bed,


With the next hundred chores

Running through your head?


You better slow down.

Don’t dance so fast.


Time is short.

The music won’t last.


Ever told your child,

We’ll do it tomorrow?


And in your haste,

Not see his sorrow?


Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die,


Cause you never had time

To call and say, “Hi”?


You’d better slow down,

Don’t dance so fast.


Time is short.

The music won’t last.


When you run so fast to get somewhere,
You miss half the fun of getting there.


When you worry and hurry through your day,
It’s like an unopened gift thrown away.


Life is not a race.

Do take it slower.


Hear the music

Before the song is over.


– by David L. Weatherford


About the Author
David L. Weatherford is a child psychologist with published poems in “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. If you want to enjoy more of David’s beautiful writings, please visit



जीवन का मूल्य : Respect yourself


जीवन का मूल्य :

गुरुनानक Saheb के पास एक आदमी गया और उसने कहा बताईये गुरूजी जीवन का मूल्य क्या है?

गुरूनानक ने उसे एक Stone दिया और कहा , जा और इस stone का मूल्य पता करके आ , लेकिन ध्यान
रखना stone को बेचना नही है I

वह आदमी stone को बाजार मे एक संतरे वाले के पास लेकर गया और संतरे वाले को दिखाया l
बोला “बता , इसकी कीमत क्या है?

संतरे वाला चमकीले stone को देख कर बोला, “12 संतरे लेजा और इसे मुझे दे जा”

वह आदमी संतरे वाले से बोला गुरू ने कहा है इसे बेचना नही है l


आगे एक सब्जी वाले के पास गया, उसे stone दिखाया l सब्जी वाले ने उस चमकीले stone को देखा और
कहा “एक बोरी आलू ले जा और इस stone को मेरे पास छोड़ जा”

उस आदमी ने कहा , मुझे इसे बेचना नही है , मेरे गुरू ने मना किया है I

आगे एक सोना बेचने वाले सुनार के पास गया उसे stone दिखाया सुनार उस चमकीले stone को देखकर बोला
“50 लाख मे बेच दे” l उसने मना कर दिया तो सुनार बोला “2 करोड़ मे दे दे या बता इसकी कीमत जो माँगेगा वह
दूँगा तुझे ”

उस आदमी ने सुनार से कहा मेरे गुरू ने इसे बेचने से मना किया है l

आगे हीरे बेचने वाले एक जौहरी के पास गया उसे stone दिखाया l जौहरी ने जब उस बेसकीमती रुबी को देखा , तो पहले उसने रुबी के पास एक लाल कपडा बिछाया फिर उस बेसकीमती रुबी की परिक्रमा लगाई माथा टेका l फिर जौहरी बोला , “कहा से लाया है ये बेसकीमती रुबी

“सारी कायनात , सारी दुनिया को बेचकर भी इसकी कीमत नही लगाई जा सकती ये तो बेसकीमती है l”


वह आदमी हैरान परेशान होकर सीधे गुरू के पास आया l अपनी आप बिती बताई और बोला
“अब बताओ गुरूजी मानवीय जीवन का मूल्य क्या है?

गुरूनानक बोले :
तूने पहले stone को संतरे वाले को दिखाया उसने इसकी कीमत “12 संतरे” की बताई l

आगे सब्जी वाले के पास गया उसने इसकी कीमत “1 बोरी आलू” बताई l

आगे सुनार ने “2 करोड़” बताई l


जौहरी ने इसे “बेसकीमती” बताया l

अब ऐसे ही तेरा मानवीय मूल्य है l तू बेशक हीरा है लेकिन सामने वाला तेरा आकलन अपनी औकात अपनी जानकारी और अपनी हैसियत और मकसद से लगाएगा। घबराओ मत दुनिया में तुझे पहचानने वाले भी मिल जायेगे।

Respect Yourself

Source : Whatsapp forward

Celebrate Life !!


What an elevating speech!
By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar..

“A plum once said, ‘just because a banana lover came by, I converted myself into a banana. Unfortunately, his taste changed after a few months and so I became an orange. When he said I was bitter I became an apple, but he went in search of grapes. Yielding to the opinions of so many people, I have changed so many times that I no more know who I am. How I wish I had remained a plum and waited for a plum lover.’

Just because a group of people do not accept you as you are, there is no necessity for you to strip yourself of your originality. You need to think good of yourself, for the world takes you at your own estimate. Never stoop down in order to gain recognition. Never let go of your true self to win a relationship. In the long run, you will regret that you traded your greatest Glory – your uniqueness, for momentary validation. Even Gandhi was not accepted by many people. The group that does not accept you as YOU is not Your world.

There is a world for each one of you, where you shall reign as king /queen by just being yourself. Find that world… In fact, that world will find You.

What water can do, gasoline cannot and what copper can, gold cannot. The fragility of the ant enables it to move and the rigidity of the tree enables it to stay rooted. Everything and everybody has been designed with a Proportion of uniqueness to serve a purpose that we can fulfill only by being our unique self. You as you alone can serve your purpose and I as I alone can serve my purpose. You are here to be you… Just YOU.

There was a time in this world when a Krishna was required and He was sent; A time when a Christ was required and He was sent; a time when a Mahatma was required and he was sent; There came a time when you were required on this planet and hence you were sent. Let us be the best we can be.

In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you. Existence should have loved you so much that it broke the mould after making you, so that another of your kind will never get repeated.

You are original. You are rare. You are unique. You are a wonder. You are a masterpiece. .. Your Master’s piece.

Celebrate your Uniqueness!’

Celebrate Life 😊


Welcome 2018 !!!! – Who is packing your parachute?


Air Commodore Vishal was a Jet Pilot. In a combat mission his fighter plane was destroyed by a missile. He however ejected himself and parachuted safely. He won acclaims and appreciations from many.

After five years one day he was sitting with his wife in a restaurant. A man from another table came to him and said “You’re Captain Vishal ! You flew jet fighters. You were shot down!”

“How in the world did you know that?” asked Vishal.

“I packed your parachute,” the man smiled and replied.
Vishal gasped in surprise and gratitude and thought if parachute hadn’t worked, I wouldn’t be here today.

Vishal couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about that man. He wondered how many times I might have seen him and not even said ‘Good morning, how are you?’ or anything because, he was a fighter pilot and that person was just a safety worker”

So friends, who is packing your parachute?
Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day.

We need many kinds of parachutes– we need the physical parachute, the mental parachute, the emotional parachute, and the spiritual parachute. We call on all these supports before reaching safety.

Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important.

We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason.

As you go through this week, this month, this year, recognize the people who pack your parachute.

I just want to thank everyone who packed my parachute this year one way or the other- through your words, deeds, prayers etc!! Don’t want to take any of you for granted .
From the bottom of my heart with all my love

Wishing you a memorable end to 2017 and an awesome beginning to 2018


Adarsh Halan


Be Present !!!


Few months ago I asked these two questions to all kids attending a gathering

Few things you want your parents to stop doing and….
Few things you want your parents to start doing

I got some interesting responses

Things I want my parents to stop doing:

—Stop comparing my life with your childhood. Things were really different back then, so stop comparing.

—Stop using these words and phrases: use your brain, are you deaf? Can’t you see? Useless, careless, good for nothing….etc….

—stop showing off my skills. I don’t want to dance in front of your friends. I don’t like to do that. Why do you force me to sing/ dance or show my art work to our relatives or friends?

—Can you speak softly? I’m tired to hear you shout, every day, every single moment.


Things I want my parents to start doing:

—Smile, please… I don’t remember when was the last time my mom smiled. She usually carries a frown on her face. That look irritates me.

—Appreciate. I know I’m not good at all things, but many things only I can do, no one else can. So a little bit appreciation is good na….

—Hug me, I see how my mom hugs my 5 year old sister, but when I run to hug her…she immediately says, “Later, first do you work” huh!

—Play with me. I love to play with my friends, but playing with mom dad is fun! If only they had time to play….

—Tell me a story. I’d love to listen to their childhood tales, especially about their mistakes, failures and mischief. But my parents always keep telling about all their achievements. It makes me scared. What if I can’t achieve success the way they achieved….?

—Keep that WhatsApp aside. Talk to me mom & dad.

—Can I sleep in your bedroom at least once a month? I love cuddling you guys.



So parents, wondering what to gift your child this holiday season, here’s your list. Be present for your children and make parenting engaging and fulfilling.





Do something different, do something that you would always think of, do something that you have been waiting to do… Make this year stress free and a happier one… Happy new year

Time has no holiday.. Dreams have no expiry date.. And life has no pause button.
Live it.. Love it..

Enjoy each and every moment of your life….!!

Save only those memories which gives twinkle in your eyes… Not wrinkles on your face…!!


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